March 12, 2010 flows below my balcony

For Siddhartha, the ferryman, it was the river - for me it is my balcony...

...and "everything returns"...


Anonymous said...

You can "see" life - a great gift.


Rajiv Sengupta said...

Great way to see life sir!!
looking forward to learning many things from you!!

mohit said...

These are beautiful pictures. And an amazing perspective given to it by opening lines of the post.

Its ambiguous but it says it all. Images are is open for interpretation. But it left me with a shivering feeling in the end. A sense of exhilaration and then a sense of loss.

Reminded me of my school days. :-)

freewillie said...

Some of the best pics of the place i call home...lucky to have know u there...

wanderer said...

wish I can learn it..some day..