September 18, 2011

कभी तूफां किनारा था, कभी साहिल ही तूफां था...

कभी तूफां किनारा था, कभी साहिल ही तूफां था,
किनारों औ' भंवर के बीच में हम ढूंढते सन्दर्भ अपना ..अर्थ अपना
जो कहीं पर खो गया था,
पनपता था सार्थ से
मासूम सा वो एक सपना...


Anand Surana said...

Dear Madhukar Ji,

I came back to your blog today after a long gap and noticed that since the last year you haven't posted anything on Alternative Perspective and your website has been hacked and the content replaced by some chinese text. So wanted to let you know that there are a many people who were folowing the good stuff that you were posting and we would be interested in reading if you start writing again. Hope all is well with you. Best Wishes, Anand

madhukar said...

thanks so much for your visit and comment.
Yes, I know... my website was on geocities (with www. - as forward), which was erased by Yahoo! when they decided to demolish geocities.... it still exists as an archive at
Yup! I have been out of alternative perspective blog for many months... will return to is too - this week it would have been 8 year old :)